
Corporate Sustainability Responsibility Of Bloomchemag Message From Our CEO

Dear Readers,

Sustainability in the ever-growing Chemical industry is defined through a goal that aims to increase the effectiveness with which natural resources are utilized to satisfy human demand for chemical goods and services. At BloomchemAG we care about our impact on the earth and actively strive to achieve a holistic strategy for sustainable socio-economic advancement with a decreased carbon footprint.

It is crucial in our modern world that we ensure the development occurs in a sustainable manner where we do not put our planet, economy, and society in any instability. This balance is only possible when we prioritize the environment primarily, and that is our pivotal goal at BloomchemAG.

The industry has already seen mountains move with many large-scale companies making healthy changes to their business models that go hand in hand with their goal to create a sustainable world.

Most people assume that sustainability ends on the path of changing our impact on the planet, however, an undermined part of this is the socio-economic sustainability in our world. The efficient growth of both society and mankind as a whole can be ensured by the socioeconomic system's stability. We all know that one of the biggest manufacturing sectors in the world is the chemical industry. The chemical industry and governments have a great obligation to protect consumer and worker rights, which is a crucial first step toward socioeconomic sustainability, as evidenced by its widespread global influence.

Our 3-year growth plan goals set us to lead towards a more sustainable path in the future. As part of this plan, we outline the United Nations Sustainable goals in our business model.We value the health and safety of our customers with the chemical solutions we outsource and provide. We are determined about prioritizing the health and safety of our clients with the chemicals we distribute by guaranteeing the best quality of materials for our clients while considering the environmental impact we have on the planet as well during the lifecycle of the respective chemicals.

A few of our focal goals include a sustainable supply chain that would not only guarantee the preservation of the environment but also encourage the better practice of human rights among our workers. One of our forward-thinking goals is to actively connect with our suppliers to work on using sustainable packaging materials.

We aim to allocate a portion of our net profit towards an incentive-based program to encourage our suppliers to replace single-use plastics with recyclable alternatives. In parallel, we are currently having a dialogue with our suppliers to increase the average lot size of orders so we can manage overall activities related to order processing and potentially have a reduced carbon footprint.

These goals would assist BloomchemAG to support the UN’s sustainable development goals and pillar sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption, production, and climate action in general. Reducing the quantity of single-use plastic packaging would limit pollution that ends its path in the oceans, endangering millions of species. We’re also targeting to improve the safe handling of chemicals by workers at various steps in our supply chain, so they have a minimal impact and exposure to hazardous chemicals. This is a necessary step we need to climb in order to improve the quality of human rights in the chemical industry as many labourers are constantly obliged to handle chemicals without the correct safety measures and equipment, however, we would be changing that.

Sustainable Development Goals logo

Taking everything into account, we are in constant endeavours to improve our impact on nature in addition to ensuring our workers’ well-being. It is crucial that we must prioritize both the environment and the labour force as they are the backbone of this industry.

BloomchemAG vision aims to offer our customers product solutions with integrated logistics and operations by providing complete solutions with end-to-end logistics from producer's plants to end user’s plants globally, and during our process to provide clients with their ideal solutions we seek to make this a sustainable journey for all.

BloomchemAG aspires to be synonymous with sustainability in the near future.